My Grandmother Is In A Cult and I’m Not Sure What To Do

Kimm Nicole
3 min readJun 8, 2021


My name is Kimm Nicole and for the past 5 years, my grandmother has been in a cult.

My grandmother was never a normal grandmother. She had her fair share of issues and has always been very detached as far as grandmothers go. Even as a small child, I was expected to wander stores alone, order her food for her, and complete many tasks with no help. She had always been that way, even with my mother.

Around 2016 was when things started to change and bitter in her personality. The first change I noticed was that she became an avid Trump supporter. Although I did not agree with her politics, I continued to spend time with her because I told myself she was family. It only got worse from there.

Around 6 months later, my grandmother began to tell me about Q and his followers. How she had been red-pilled and fallen down the rabbit hole. I had become concerned due to the fact I am aware of how deep this “rabbit hole” can go. She had told me that every politician had been executed besides Trump and that Pence was JFK Jr in a skin suit. I should have cut ties there. Instead, I went with it because if I attempted to refute she would tell me that I was a sheep until I gave in.

This behavior was constant. Plastered all over Twitter, Facebook, family group chats, and anywhere she could reach. She began to tell the fellow nurses at work about her “truth”. This would continue to unfold into a $100,000+ investment.

Eventually, Q was not enough to satiate her hunger and she found a group called “The Starseeds”. Starseeds are a group of people who identify as aliens and believe that God will move them to the fifth dimension after their missions are complete. They also believe they will be paid 25 million dollars a month for being way showers and light bringers to non-Draconians. A Draconian is essentially an evil alien that is part reptile, part human, and feeds upon fetuses. Naturally, my grandmother fell in love with this concept.

My grandmother went on to buy tens of thousands of dollars in silver coins, would retire from her job early while waiting on her 25 million dollar alien payment, and has become the most aggressively right wing person I have ever met. She also has bought thousand dollar knick knacks that are said to prevent “scalar energy attacks”, as well as edible gold and anything her “friends” will sell her. She believes anyone who is not a “Starseed Indigo Blue-Ray Way Shower” is undeserving of life. She claims to be sent by God, aliens, and Trump as one of the “Worthy 144,000.” The worst part is, she won’t even listen to facts anymore. I have seen her share photos from Thor: Ragnarok saying they are the fifth dimension, but when I prove they are from a movie, she tells me that it is her truth and it cannot be refuted.

This behavior is not just limited to aliens and politics. My grandmother believes that each member of the cast of FRIENDS has been executed at GITMO for high crimes. She has decided that everyone she does not like is a transgender, fetus eating, monster that she fights in her sleep. As in she astral projects in her dreams and actually fights these celebrities that do not agree with her politics.

Since her behavior has escalated to racism, bigotry, transphobia, and homophobia I have cut her out of my life. It has been six months and she continually tries to contact me only to hear my answering machine. I am no longer sure what I can do to attempt to help her.



Kimm Nicole
Kimm Nicole

Written by Kimm Nicole

21 year old English major, New Yorker, horror and stand up comedy fanatic. Cinephile. Twitter: @9pmisprettyodd. Letterboxd: @BitchyBarnes

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